- The mattresses are not "organic mattresses".
- The exterior cover is not an "organic cover".
- The coil model contains Polypropylene.
-The latex is not organic.
-Its HOT to sleep on wool, and so much more.

Turns out Berkeley Ergonomics coil mattresses contain a lot of synthetic Polypropylene. The Polypropylene covers all the springs in the mattress. It is not a small amount that could be missed.

The latex in my Berkeley Ergo coil mattress also contains 23 chemicals. 22 of the chemicals deemed "moderately problematic, but acceptable for use" ​and one chemical deemed "unknown". You can see the 2-page Material Health Certificate for the latex used in my bed below or by clicking here.

If anyone is thinking of buying a Berkeley Ergonomics mattress it is just my recommendation that they ask to see the CURRENT 2-page Material Health Certificate, like shown below, so you can see how many chemicals you will be sleeping on. An option that was not afforded to me.

When I found out that my Berkeley Ergo coil mattress contained Polypropylene and that it was not "all organic" like the salesman said, I checked the web sites of all the Berkeley Ergo mattress dealers and saw that none of them list the synthetic Polypropylene along with the other components even though they list, describe, and praise all the other components in great detail. I thought it was very alarming that none of the dealers were disclosing this synthetic component, yet they were referring to the mattress as "all natural", "organic mattress", "chemical free" & alike.
I brought this dealer-wide "undisclosed Polypropylene matter" to the attention of Berkeley Ergonomics assuming they would mandate their contracted dealers to include the Polypropylene component when ever the components are being listed (so consumers can have all the information), however I don't believe this will ever occur hence the reason and necessity for this notice.

I'm stunned that Berkeley Ergonomics wouldn't rather have their synthetic Polypropylene listed along with the other components in a professional setting, instead of having me alerting consumers to it on the internet.

For clarity, I'm not asking Berkeley Ergonomics dealers to list something that is NOT in their mattress. I am asking them to list what IS in their mattress. ​Is this so unreasonable?

I find it contrary that Berkeley Ergonomics claims that they "Believe in Openness-Nothing to hide, No secrets" yet there is such GREAT resistance to list the synthetic Polypropylene component when the other components are being listed.

It is also absurd to me that Berkeley Ergo claims they "strive to operate a business successfully with no compromises on truth, ethics, integrity, & fairness" yet they have my reviews & my mattress photos removed from public view and their dealers make false "All natural mattress", "Organic mattress",and "chemical free" type claims. See some of the false organic claims below.                                                                            
Because of all the aggressive "all natural mattress", "organic mattress", and "natural mattress" type claims, I believe most consumers have the expectation that the Berkeley coil mattresses are "free of synthetics", like what happened to me. Then additionally when the synthetic Polypropylene material is not listed along with the other materials, this further feeds into the [false] expectation. I do not understand why the synthetic Polypropylene component cannot be included when the other components are listed. Why is there such resistance to list it?

I wonder if the reason Berkeley Ergonomics dealers do not include the synthetic Polypropylene along with the other components in the mattress descriptions, and why Berkeley Ergonomics does not mandate their contracted dealers to include it when ever they are listing the other components, is because the synthetic material ​does not fit in their "natural" narrative? 

Berkeley Ergonomics had the below false "organic mattress" claim on the home page of their web site so I am not surprised the dealers are allowed to make claims as such.  It seems to be the culture around Berkeley Ergonomics.

Then there's many False Organic Claims like these:

Scroll down to see many more false organic claims by Berkeley Ergonomics dealers,the Material Health Certificate that displays the 23 chemicals in the latex in my Berkeley Ergo bed, the behavior of Berkeley Ergonomics owners and more. 

Important; I am not nor have I ever been in the mattress industry. I do not have an allegiance to any mattress firm, nor am I paid for my views.   My opinions and views are based on my own consumer experience with my Berkeley Ergonomics mattress, the Berkeley Ergonomics dealers, and Berkeley Ergonomics themselves in Ontario Calif.Berkeley Ergonomics repeatedly claims that I am a competitor or paid by a competitor but this is just another misrepresentation.